Solo Jazz

Charleston, Tap, Black Bottom and more
Anmeldung geschlossen

Nicht angegeben


Luisa Barbanti


ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab


15.00 CHF für Studierende, sonst 30.00 CHF

Mo, 23. Jan. 2023, 18:30 - 20:00

Room notice

Unfortunately, CAB food&lab reserves the right to cancel our reservation on short notice in favor of other ETH events, e.g. department aperos.

In case of a cancellation, we will let you know as soon as possible. We will try to offer a replacement lesson at the end of the course period. If we can not manage to compensate for the cancellation, you can send an email to to get a Tanzquotient voucher as a partial refund.


Solo Jazz is swing dancing without a partner.
It includes black jazz dances from the years 1920 to 1940 like the Charleston, Tap, Black Bottom and more.
Elements from these dances can be freely and creatively combined, or they can be found in popular routines like the Shim Sham, the Big Apple or the Tranky Doo.
Dancing without a partner does not mean dancing alone though! Group dynamics, getting inspired from each other and interacting in jam circles are important elements of Solo Jazz.

This class is open to everyone with or without previous dance experience in Lindy Hop, Solo Jazz, or other dances.


Bewertungen für Solo Jazz

12. Juni 2023, 13:36 Lehrer:innen: Luisa BarbantiRaum: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-03
Lusia is a very enthusiastic and passionate solo jazz-teacher/dancer! Really great class to learn the basics and cool combinations out of them! May be a bit too easy if you have some experience in solo-jazz already:)

Bewertungen die die Lehrpersonen für andere Kursen bekommen haben

08. April 2024, 12:50 Solo Jazz & Charleston mit Luisa BarbantiRaum: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-01
less talking and more danceing :)
07. Feb. 2024, 17:10 Solo Charleston mit Luisa BarbantiRaum: UZH Zentrum, Untere Mensa
it's a really nice course to get to know the charleston! I've learned a bunch of cool steps and moves, which I can include in any kind of swing dance I think :)
06. Feb. 2024, 12:35 Solo Charleston mit Luisa BarbantiRaum: UZH Zentrum, Untere Mensa
The course was great even for beginner dancers. Luisa brought a lot of energy into it and her excitement was really contagious. All in all a lot of fun!
06. Feb. 2024, 01:09 Solo Charleston mit Luisa BarbantiRaum: UZH Zentrum, Untere Mensa
If you are looking for a fun and relaxed atmosphere while also getting a bit of workout, this is the right course. No experience in other dances needed either. Would definitely take again <3
05. Feb. 2024, 16:40 Solo Charleston mit Luisa BarbantiRaum: UZH Zentrum, Untere Mensa
Luisa is a great teacher. She breaks down the steps, which makes it easy to follow and fun to learn.
14. Dez. 2023, 15:52 Lindy Hop 4 mit Matej Pavlovic & Luisa BarbantiRaum: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-02
the cours adds perfect to the previous courses and you can learn some pretty cool advanced looking moves. I liked it a lot! I think that both Matej and Luisa did a great job, can recommend a lot :)
23. Nov. 2023, 15:12 Lindy Hop Crashkurs mit Matej Pavlovic & Luisa BarbantiRaum: Hönggerberg, HXE
Top, Loads of Fun!
21. Nov. 2023, 09:34 Lindy Hop 3 mit Luisa Barbanti & Matej PavlovicRaum: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-02
Ich mochte den Kurs sehr! Matej und Luisa sind super sympathisch und mir gefiel der Schwerpunkt auf Charleston und dass wir damit eine ganz neue Seite von Lindyhop kennengelernt haben. Nach dem Tanzkurs habe ich immer so gute Laune :)
27. Okt. 2023, 18:51 Lindy Hop 1 mit Luisa Barbanti & Matej PavlovicRaum: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-02
Super angenehme, fröhliche und lockere Stimmung
27. Okt. 2023, 17:05 Lindy Hop 1 mit Luisa Barbanti & Matej PavlovicRaum: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-02
Such a fun dance, such cool teachers. I would definitely recommend!
14. Juli 2023, 08:08 Solo Charleston mit Luisa BarbantiRaum: UZH Zentrum, Untere Mensa
Gut um erste Einblicke in Solo Charleston zu bekommen. Kurs auch geeignet bei keiner Tanzerfahrung.
14. Juni 2023, 21:23 Solo Charleston mit Luisa BarbantiRaum: ETH Zentrum, CAB F21 (StuZ)
Easy basic steps to learn, many more difficult steps can be integrated. Charleston is a like a workout when you really put energy into it. Try it, it's fun and the steps are very forgiving.