Zouk 2

Anmeldung geschlossen

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Eric Fehr & DanceZouk.ch


ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab


40.00 CHF für Studierende, sonst 80.00 CHF

Dienstag, 20:00 - 21:15
11. Juni 2024 - 16. Juli 2024
Di, 04. Juni 2024

Room notice

Unfortunately, CAB food&lab reserves the right to cancel our reservation on short notice in favor of other ETH events, e.g. department aperos.

In case of a cancellation, we will let you know as soon as possible. We will try to offer a replacement lesson at the end of the course period. If we can not manage to compensate for the cancellation, you can send an email to anmeldungen@tanzquotient.org to get a Tanzquotient voucher as a partial refund.


(more on this course below)


Zouk is the modern Brazilian partner dance famous for its flow, continuity and sensual wave like movements. Having its roots in Lambada and Samba de Gafieira about 20 years ago, Zouk developed into a seductive, dynamic and powerfull dance combining the agility and fire of brazilian dances with the smoothness of contemporary dance and inspirations from many more like contact improvisation, HipHop. It is danced to a very broad range of music styles from traditional Zouk to RnB, HipHop and Dubstep, from lyric to electronic music. It is this variety in music and movement schemes that makes this dance absolutely fascinating to us and we love to share our passion with YOU. Have a look on youtube and see you soon in class ;)





PREREQUISITS: Zouk Quickstarter (done), or Zouk 1 course (done or attending in parallel).

CONTENT: Besides extending our basics to more complex step patterns, we start working on our fluid body to explore waves and other movements in your authentic way. This will allow you to fuse steps & movements intuitively into a natural flow.

You will be learning both roles (lead & follow) and start understanding how to let go of fixed role models into a liquid exchange between equal partners. Which will give you the next boost for your connection, versatility and creativity, no matter which role is your preferred one.

More informations can be found here.

More impressions can be found on our instagram.



Bewertungen für Zouk 2

18. Juli 2024, 12:00 Lehrer:innen: Eric Fehr & DanceZouk.chRaum: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
Eric ist ein technisch einwandfreier Lehrer. Er hat sehr fortschrittliche Methoden! Solange du übst und die tipps umsetzt wirst du richtig gut.

Bewertungen die die Lehrpersonen für andere Kursen bekommen haben

10. Juni 2024, 17:09 Zouk Quickstarter mit Eric Fehr & DanceZouk.chRaum: Studio OneSpace
Der Quickstarter war super für einen Einstieg in Brazilian Zouk, aber auch andere Partnertänze (zB Liberato Dance). Eric war sehr kompetent und hat all unsere Fragen geduldig beantwortet! Sehr empfehlenswert :-)
03. Nov. 2024, 23:53 Dança de Salão Anfänger mit DanceZouk.chRaum: Studio OneSpace
Choose this course is you are not serious about learning how to do the dance steps and you just want to have fun.