Stile Lehrer:innenDaniel Sparber & Christoph Hellings
Raum20.00 CHF für Studierende, sonst 40.00 CHF
ZeitSamba: Same-Foot Figures and Shadow Positions
This workshop gives you the opportunity to extend your proficiency in a Latin dance that often receives less attention than it merits. Building upon your basic knowledge of the samba, you will benefit from tips on technique and musicality to improve the look and feel of your dancing, and you will extend your figure repertoire.
The workshop will revisit characteristic elements of the dance, including strong hip actions and a bouncing movement of the whole body, and how they fit to the polyrhythmic music of the samba music. We will then focus on figures that include foot changes, such that leader and follower dance on the same foot rather than on opposite feet, and figure that bring variations in terms of the couple position, such as shadow positions.
Prerequisites: knowledge of basic steps of the samba (e.g., Ballroom 4 or equivalent)