Stile Lehrer:innenBruno Vollenweider & Iliana Mebert
Raum40.00 CHF für Studierende, sonst 80.00 CHF
This class will focus on key adjustments that dancers need to make to transition from class into social dancing. Some key things that we will be working on are 1) how the music affects the dance composition and what we need to listen to in order to match our dancing to the music, 2) proper communication and connection between leader and follower, and 3) breaking down longer dance moves into smaller pieces that are suitable for social dancing, while also teaching leaders how to connect different moves together and for followers to be able to adjust to these.
Rueda will be used often to help students to memorize moves and to allow students to practice connecting pieces of moves together. This class will focus on application of the information learned so there will never be more than 15 minutes between songs where we practice what we've just learned. Our goal is to dance 5 songs per class or more!
Hola de nuevo 😊
Du hast bereits mind. 1 Jahr Salsa-Erfahrung, gehst gerne in den Salsa-Ausgang und möchtest dein Repertoire um einige coole Figuren und Styling erweitern? Du hast schon Mal von Rumba und Son Cubano gehört und würdest es gerne lernen? Dann sehen wir uns in Salsa 5!