Ballroom Competition Practice

Dance through all dances to practice for ETDS
Open class

Nicht angegeben


Latein, Standard


Tobias Margiani


Sporthalle Aemtler C


Freier Eintritt

Di, 26. Sept. 2023, 19:00 - 21:00


During the practice, we simulate tournament rounds. This means, you partner up with someone and dance through all Standard and Latin dances like they are played in a tournament: a bit less than two minutes for each dance and without a break in between. So it's all about dancing through the programs, gaining some routine, and building up fitness.

Usually, a trainer is present for tips, and to help you improve your dancing for your next competition.

Note: This is an open class, everyone is welcome. You can just drop in. No need to sign up. You will, however, have to wear dancing shoes or clean sports shoes with white soles and heel protectors.

Do I need to bring a partner? You can come without a partner. Chances are there are also other people joining without a partner and you can just pair up with them. However, if you want to be sure to have someone to dance with, just bring a partner.

P.S. If you think we should match partners for these practices, tell us! We can then enable a mandatory sign-up where we only confirm participants if the lead/follow ratio is balanced.


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