Ballroom Group Teaching

Learn new elements from your peers
Registration closed



Cha Cha Cha, Englischer Tango, Englischer Walzer, Jive, Paso Doble, Quickstep, Rumba, Samba, Slowfox, Wiener Walzer


Heidi Lee & Daniel Sparber


ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon


No entry fee

Monday, 17:30 - 18:45
12. June 2023 - 17. July 2023


Information regarding the course room, please read!

This course will take place at 3 different locations due to Alumni-Pavillon not always being available:

12.6. Alumni-Pavillon (ETH Zentrum)
19.6. CAB F21 (StuZ, ETH Zentrum)
26.6. CAB F21 (StuZ, ETH Zentrum)
3.7. Alumni-Pavillon (ETH Zentrum)
10.7. HXE (ETH Hönggerberg)
17.7. Alumni-Pavillon (ETH Zentrum)


In this course, you will

  • learn new elements beyond the scope of our regular Ballroom course
  • teach a figure or technical aspect of your choosing to your peers
  • get direct feedback from other participants

You are welcome no matter if you are teaching, planning to start teaching, or just want to learn new stuff. We recommend, at least one year of experience in Ballroom (Standard and/or Latin) dancing for joining this course.


Reviews for Ballroom Group Teaching

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Reviews the teachers got for other courses

08. April 2024, 14:11 Ballroom 5 with Heidi Lee & Daniel SparberRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Nice course, would do it again.
19. Nov. 2023, 21:20 Ballroom Crash Course with Daniel Sparber & Heidi LeeRoom: Hönggerberg, Raum der Stille
Thank you so much - we loved it!
19. Nov. 2023, 20:24 Ballroom Crash Course with Daniel Sparber & Heidi LeeRoom: Hönggerberg, Raum der Stille
Great course for getting to know different dances for the ball (and in general)
19. Nov. 2023, 19:25 Ballroom Crash Course with Daniel Sparber & Heidi LeeRoom: Hönggerberg, Raum der Stille
Heidi and Daniel are very passionate teachers and really motivated me and my partner to swing them legs!
27. Oct. 2023, 16:42 Ballroom 1 with Markus Wagner, Heidi Lee & Daniel SparberRoom: UZH Irchel, Y25-H-92
Nice course for begineers, the progression is a bit fast, but for sure is not boring. I would say a proper introduction to dancing.
11. June 2023, 19:15 Ballroom 6 with Daniel Sparber & Heidi LeeRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Great dance class for everybody who already has some experience and wants to deepen their knowledge of figures and technique. Very charismatic and competent teachers (and amazing dancers)!
08. June 2023, 17:59 Ballroom 6 with Daniel Sparber & Heidi LeeRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Sehr cool, dass man auch beim mehrmaligen Besuchen immer wieder etwas neues lernt!
07. June 2023, 14:13 Ballroom 6 with Daniel Sparber & Heidi LeeRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Great course!
06. June 2023, 14:14 Ballroom 2 with Daniel Sparber & Heidi LeeRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Super und verständlicher Kurs. Habe viel gelernt und hat Spass gemacht.
25. Jan. 2025, 23:38 All About Waltz with Daniel Sparber, Irina Kempf & Michael ZischgRoom: Hönggerberg, ASVZ Arena 3
Great workshop, can only recommend!
09. Jan. 2025, 18:40 Slowfox Crash Course with Daniel Sparber & Christoph HellingsRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
They explained it very well so that it was straightforward to learn Slow fox.
26. Nov. 2024, 10:46 Ballroom Crash Course with Andrea Catellani & Daniel SparberRoom: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
I was a total noob and yet i was able to learn some basics pretty fast thanks to them while also having some fun. Would defo recommend this course to anyone whos going to polyball but doesnt know how to dance
25. Nov. 2024, 14:21 Ballroom Crash Course with Michael Zischg, Lena Bartl, Daniel Sparber & Zhuolin LiuRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
This is a great course for learning the basic steps of four dances. The teachers are friendly and open, and explain the steps well. The course is well adapted for complete beginners, and a good refresher if you already know the dances a little. Even though it is 4 hours long, it is not very tiring as the course is distributed throughout the day.
25. Nov. 2024, 13:10 Ballroom Crash Course with Johanna Niessing, Tim Gehrunger, Daniel Sparber & Maximilian BrandlRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Super Kurs, hat richtig Spass gemacht. Die Lehrer sind sehr hilfsbereit und freundlich, die Stimmung war gut. Hätte nicht erwartet in 4h so weit zu kommen. Würde es jedem empfehlen (Achtung, macht Bock auf mehr!).
25. Nov. 2024, 11:24 Ballroom Crash Course with Zhuolin Liu, Daniel Sparber, Michael Zischg & Lena BartlRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Der Crashkurs war sehr hilfreich, um uns in nur einem einzigen Tag so gut wie möglich vorzubereiten. Ich war verblüfft, wie viel wir an diesem einzigen Tag lernen konnten.
25. Nov. 2024, 11:24 Ballroom Crash Course with Zhuolin Liu, Daniel Sparber, Michael Zischg & Lena BartlRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Toller Kurs um in die 4 angebotenen Tänze einzusteigen!
29. Oct. 2024, 20:01 Ballroom 1 with Andrea Catellani & Daniel SparberRoom: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
Super Einsteigerkurs für Anfänger! Wir wurden in gutem Tempo an die Tänze herangeführt. Man fühlte sich nie ins kalte Wasser geworfen.
03. June 2024, 18:51 Ballroom Training - Basic with Daniel SparberRoom: Hönggerberg, ASVZ Arena 3
Daniel hat von den Füssen bis zu den Hüften erklärt, was eigentlich passiert, wenn man sauber Rumba und Cha Cha Cha tanzt. Das war für mich eine sehr gute Wiederholung. Ich würde so einen Kurs für Jive oder Samba jederzeit auch besuchen.
30. May 2024, 19:48 Salsa Cubana 2 with Heidi Lee & Tristan ReinhardRoom: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-02
Super Kurs, stufengerechte Inhalte (Figuren), Tristan und Heidi haben das super gemacht und Hilfestellung geboten, wo sie nötig war.
27. May 2024, 23:46 Ballroom Training - Basic with Daniel SparberRoom: Hönggerberg, ASVZ Arena 3
Daniel explained the Rumba and Cha Cha technique from the bottom up. Well-structured, easy to follow, lots of tips and information to take home and practice in front of a mirror for hours.
05. May 2024, 22:53 Ballroom Training - Basic with Daniel SparberRoom: Hönggerberg, ASVZ Arena 3
Daniel explained the focus of this lesson very nicely and gradually. Kicks and flicks are definitely a great addition to the Jive repertoire, loved it!
05. May 2024, 09:17 Ballroom Training - Basic with Daniel SparberRoom: Hönggerberg, ASVZ Arena 3
Daniel ist ein toller Tanzlehrer, er hat viel Erfahrung und kann beiden meisten Problemen mit hilfreichen Tipps weiterhelfen.
16. April 2024, 13:14 Ballroom Training - Basic with Daniel Sparber & Christoph HellingsRoom: Hönggerberg, ASVZ Arena 3
Great course. Thank you for all the technique tips, they are worth a lot!
08. April 2024, 09:12 Salsa Cubana 3 with Heidi Lee & Tristan ReinhardRoom: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-02
I think Tristan and Heidi are very good at teaching. I truly love the positive energy they create every time I go to dance, I am always excited to go to the salsa class ! They really are attentive to our needs, they smile a lot and teach very well, breaking down the movements so that we can learn efficiently. Other than that, I also believe that they are wonderful people with a kind soul, which makes the overall learning experience very pleasant. I hope that they teach salsa until level 6 ^^.
04. April 2024, 13:42 Salsa Cubana 1 with Tristan Reinhard & Heidi LeeRoom: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-03
Tristan und Heidi sind ein tolles Team. Sie haben jede (auch noch so kleine) Frage beantwortet und waren immer gut drauf. Sie haben uns auch immer wieder ermutigt in die Bananenreiferei zu gehen, was zu tollen Abenden geführt hat.
08. Nov. 2023, 15:00 Salsa Cubana 3 with Tristan Reinhard & Heidi LeeRoom: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-03
Tristan and Heidi are very motivated and can explain new figures concisely and well. It's always a pleasure to join the classes!
05. Aug. 2023, 13:11 Salsa Cubana 1 with Heidi Lee & Tristan ReinhardRoom: UZH Irchel, Y25-H-92
This class was really fun! Really good for anyone wanting to try out Salsa for the first time as it’s only for 6 weeks. The teachers are super helpful and everyone in the class was motivated so the atmosphere was super nice:)
20. July 2023, 21:58 Salsa Cubana 2 with Tristan Reinhard & Heidi LeeRoom: UZH Irchel, Y25-H-92
Really enjoyed the experience! I would love to have them as Salsa 3 teachers again!
05. July 2023, 22:15 Paso & Samba with Christoph Hellings & Daniel SparberRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Wonderful teachers, lots to learn and a great, joyful atmosphere. Can recommend!
04. July 2023, 00:58 Paso & Samba with Christoph Hellings & Daniel SparberRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Ein toller Workshop der wirklich Freude an Samba und Paso Doble aufkommen hat lassen. Chris und Daniel sind tolle Lehrer
30. June 2023, 13:32 Paso & Samba with Christoph Hellings & Daniel SparberRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Bester Kurs, den ich bis jetzt beim TQ besucht habe und das waren sicher 10!
27. June 2023, 19:14 Paso & Samba with Christoph Hellings & Daniel SparberRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Great teachers!
27. June 2023, 18:35 Paso & Samba with Christoph Hellings & Daniel SparberRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Amazing teachers :) they explained everything very well and in a fun way and we learned lots of great figures that complement the Social/Ballroom program.
04. June 2023, 21:54 Salsa Cubana 1 with Tristan Reinhard & Heidi LeeRoom: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-02
Great course that motivated me to pursue Salsa further!
04. June 2023, 18:08 Salsa Cubana 1 with Tristan Reinhard & Heidi LeeRoom: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-02
Amazing environment. Amazing teachers. You have the possibility to dance with many people.
04. June 2023, 16:07 Salsa Cubana 1 with Tristan Reinhard & Heidi LeeRoom: UZH Zentrum, GLT A-02
Heidi and Tristan made the course a lot of fun and explained all the new steps, figures and turns with a lot of enthusiasm, detail and patience. This was a great way to get a taste of dancing salsa.