Cancelled ASVZ-Kurse Beginner




Bachata, Discofox, Englischer Walzer, Jive, Lindy Hop, Quickstep, Salsa Puertorriqueña, Zouk


Hönggerberg, ASVZ Arena 3


No entry fee

Friday, 19:30 - 20:45
27. Feb. 2015 - 03. April 2015

Information to participants

Information for course participants available. Log in to see them.

Room notice

  • You must have a valid ASVZ membership to participate (note as ETH or UZH student you will automatically have that).
  • To enter the building you will have to register for the class and scan the QR code which you will receive after your participation is confirmed. It will appear here on this page below, once you have been confirmed.


Jede Woche lernt ihr hier einen neuen Tanz. Anmeldung nicht erforderlich. Achtung! Der Kurs findet in ASVZ-Räumen statt! 20.2. Social --- 27.2. Tango --- 6.3.- Zouk --- 13.3. Traditionelle serbische Tänze --- 20.3. Social --- 27.3. Walzer --- 17.4. Traditionelle serbische Tänze --- 24.4. Salsa --- 8.5. Bachata --- 15.5. Salsa --- 22.5. Social


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