Styles Teachers40.00 CHF for students, otherwise 80.00 CHF
TimeIn diesem Kurs repetieren wir vieles aus den Kursen 1-2 und befassen uns mit Styling-Elementen und tänzerischen Interpretation der Musik. Wir werden einige kurze Figurenkombinationen (Popular Bachata) lernen. Der Fokus liegt aber auf der Festigung und der Kombination bekannter Elemente.
We use and improve what we learned in the courses 1&2 and take a deeper look at Bachata Sensual. Isolations and Body leading are the main focus of this course. New: We will also compare that to other styles like Dominican and Fusion.
For taking course 3 you should be comfortable with different couple positions (open, closed, shadow) and with turns and easy figure combinations. Additionally you should have some experience doing a bodywave.