TQ Team Meeting

TQ Team Meeting
Tue, 19. Sept. 2017, 19:30 - 21:00
ETH Zentrum, CAB E 15.2
Universitätstrasse 6, 8092 Zürich
Entry fee
No entry fee

Helpers wanted!

Would you like to lead your own projects and contribute with your ideas? Heading the organization of large and small projects alike? Rather a background player for equally important tasks?
In all cases you’d perfectly fit into our team and the managing committee. We’re looking for new, creative heads for the following diversity of tasks:

  • Organization of events: there are no limits as long as enough helpers can be found. In addition to our established events, we spiced up last year with theme parties with great success.
  • Strong communication: we need strong communication on all fronts, be it with our teachers, the VSETH or in collaboration with other societies. We’re spreading information through many channels. Our modern interface allows you for instance to change content on the website without IT-knowledge.
  • Cool posters: the best event will only succeed with excellent advertisement and announcement: your chance to get creative when it comes to designing posters! Amongst others, we work with Photoshop and Gimp.
  • Modern IT: our IT spans front end task like managing email accounts, cloud solutions to share and archive documents and the homepage content. If you want to dive deeper, you can improve our online system by developing new features and gain valuable experience in web development. Check out our state-of-the-art webstack, the TQ system is open source!
  • Course administration: here you can learn how the biggest distributed dancing school works. Offering a broad selection of courses and managing the registrations is quite a challenging task and can only be achieved with constantly optimized processes.

Depending on what you want to do and how much time you can spare, we’ll find the right fulfilling job for you. This is very valuable experience that you won’t pick up in your lectures. You can count on superb free pizzas in every team meeting of course ;)

Just drop us a message or join our next meeting on Tuesday, 19. September at 19:30 o’clock in CAB E 15.2.
We’re looking forward to having you on board!