Board Members
Course Administration
Course Sign-Ups
Vice President
Teaching for Tanzquotient since: 2025
Courses taught for Tanzquotient: 2
Board member
Dancing the night away, somewhere, all the time.
Im Mai 2022 habe ich richtig angefangen im TQ zu tanzen und kurz darauf beschlossen, nicht nur selbst zu tanzen, sondern auch aktiv bei der Organisation von Events mitzuhelfen. So durfte ich zusammen mit Cara im Herbst mein erstes Event, das PBTQ organisieren. Als dann auf Anfang 2023 das Co-Präsidium frei wurde dachte ich – warum nicht? Ich möchte eine Atmosphäre schaffen, in der sich alle – seien es Tanzschüler:innen, Eventbesucher:innen, Teammitglieder, Lehrpersonen oder Mitvorstände – bei uns wohl fühlen und ihre eigenen Ideen einbringen können.
Tanzen ist meine große Leidenschaft und deshalb trifft man mich praktisch jeden Montagabend im Alumnipavillon an. Ich habe mit Ballroom angefangen und mit der Zeit kamen Salsa, Zouk und Lindy Hop dazu. Besonders hat es mir Lindy Hop angetan. Seit meinem Anfang durfte ich so manches Tanzevent mit tollen Menschen miterleben. Die Bälle in Wien, aber auch das ETDS sowie unser Frühlingsball 2023 sind mir dabei in besonders schöner Erinnerung geblieben.
In May 2022, I started dancing at TQ and shortly after, I decided to not only dance but also actively participate in organizing events. So, in the fall, I had the opportunity to co-organize my first event, PBTQ, with Cara. When the co-presidency became available in early 2023, I thought – why not? I want to create an atmosphere in which everyone – whether dance students, event attendees, team members, teachers, or board members – feels comfortable and can contribute their own ideas.
Dancing is my great passion, and that's why you can find me practically every Monday evening at the Alumnipavillon. I started with ballroom and gradually added salsa, zouk, and lindy hop. Lindy hop, in particular, has captured my heart. Since I started, I have had the pleasure of experiencing various dance events with amazing people. The balls in Vienna, as well as the ETDS and our Spring Ball in 2023, have left me with particularly beautiful memories.
Teaching for Tanzquotient since: 2022
Courses taught for Tanzquotient: 21
Board member
Und wenn sie tanzt ist sie wo anders 💃
Teaching for Tanzquotient since: 2023
Courses taught for Tanzquotient: 5
Board member
Teaching for Tanzquotient since: 2021
Courses taught for Tanzquotient: 47
Board member
Teaching for Tanzquotient since: 2019
Courses taught for Tanzquotient: 53
Board member
Never gonna Not dance again.
Contact us
For questions or problems concerning the registration for dance courses (e.g. cancellation of course registration), please contact directly.
For all other inquiries:
Our vision
We offer a safe space for dance enthusiasts to learn to dance, practice, meet like-minded people and find a balance to their studies. We are a community of dance-loving students who also regularly attend various dance events. Fun and respect are our top priorities.
Tanzquotient wants to pass on the joy of dancing to as many people as possible and create spaces free of discrimination and violence. Bullying, harassment, discrimination or threats and violence in any form will not be tolerated by Tanzquotient.
More information, our Awareness Concept and a contact form can be found here.
Get involved
Would you like to contribute your ideas and lead your own projects? Would you like to be at the forefront of organizing small and large events? Teach dancing? Or rather take over important tasks in the background? Then you are just right with us!
We are always looking for motivated people for the Tanzquotient team, for the board and for the teaching team. There is something for every time budget and field of interest and you will gain experience that you can hardly find in your studies. Just contact us or come to our next meeting.
Interested helpers for sporadic assignments are also very welcome. Check the "get involved" box in your TQ profile and join our Helpers Chat. Then you will receive a request for the next event to see if you have time to help. Or you can send us an e-mail in the classic way.
More information about all the possibilities at Tanzquotient can be found at
We look forward to meeting you!
Board meetings
You are welcome to join us for our General Meeting. Get to know how Tanzquotient works, who is involved and how you might participate. We are looking forward to seeing you!
No events planned.