Ballroom 1

Introduction to ballroom dancing
8 free
Subscription status
Currently there are:
  • 8 couples
  • 3 individual followers
  • 3 individual leaders
  • 2 people with no lead or follow preference



Cha Cha Cha, Discofox, Englischer Walzer, Jive


Rosa Heydenreich & Lena Bartl & Thore Göbel


ETH Zentrum, CAB F21 (StuZ)


35.00 CHF for students, otherwise 70.00 CHF

Monday, 17:30 - 18:45
10. March 2025 - 07. April 2025


During the social courses, we will teach you the basics of ballroom dancing. Ballroom dances are partner dances that are mainly popular in Europe and consist of two categories: Standard and Latin.

What you are going to learn

You are going to learn four classic dances with which you can shine on every dance floor. These dances are the elegant English Waltz, the vibrant Cha Cha, the modern Disco Fox and the upbeat Jive.


Reviews for Ballroom 1

27. Oct. 2023, 17:02 Teachers: Marina Ivanović & Thore GöbelRoom: UZH Irchel, Y25-H-92
Really good teachers! Good preparation for the Polyball ;)
27. Oct. 2023, 14:41 Teachers: Marina Ivanović & Thore GöbelRoom: UZH Irchel, Y25-H-92
Marina & Thore were great teachers! They're funny, friendly, and super easy to talk to! :-)
29. Oct. 2024, 20:01 Teachers: Andrea Catellani & Daniel SparberRoom: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
Super Einsteigerkurs für Anfänger! Wir wurden in gutem Tempo an die Tänze herangeführt. Man fühlte sich nie ins kalte Wasser geworfen.
02. Sept. 2024, 18:33 Teachers: Melody Greminger & Matthias MayerRoom: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
Der Kurs hat sehr Spass gemacht und die Lehrer:innen waren sehr kompetent
29. Aug. 2024, 17:32 Teachers: Melody Greminger & Matthias MayerRoom: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
Melody und Matthias leiten den Ballroom 1 Kurs hervorragend, sie machen es möglich, jede und jedem auf individuellem Niveau abzuholen, sodass jede Person das Meiste aus dem Kurs profitieren kann. Sehr viel Spass und sehr cooler Vibe mit den beiden!
28. May 2024, 19:03 Teachers: Irina Kempf & Tim GehrungerRoom: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
Super tolle Tanzlehrpersonen und genau das richtige Niveau zum Tanzen lernen.
30. Oct. 2023, 12:49 Teachers: Tim Gehrunger & Irina KempfRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Great teachers! It is the Basics. To make progress and not to forget everything in a week, you have to exercisse at home with the vidoes provided. Or take advantage of the sessions on friday.
28. Oct. 2023, 09:57 Teachers: Tim Gehrunger & Irina KempfRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
I highly recommend this course, beginners and people who had prior experience all seemed to profit and have a good time. The teachers are competent and very friendly.
27. Oct. 2023, 16:42 Teachers: Markus Wagner, Heidi Lee & Daniel SparberRoom: UZH Irchel, Y25-H-92
Nice course for begineers, the progression is a bit fast, but for sure is not boring. I would say a proper introduction to dancing.
14. June 2023, 09:08 Teachers: Veronica Edwards & Lucas MünsterRoom: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
In general, I think that this is a good course. It is very basic though - for someone with dance experience (followers especially, but leaders too), it only proceeds very slowly.
05. June 2023, 17:05 Teachers: Veronica Edwards & Lucas MünsterRoom: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
If you ever wondered whether to take a dancing course this is definitely the right address. The teachers are very kind and helpful and the learning pace is just right. I had a lot of fun!
05. June 2023, 14:41 Teachers: Irina Kempf & Tim GehrungerRoom: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
Der Kurs ist super für Anfänger geeignet, Tim und Irina erklären super!

Reviews the teachers got for other courses

14. Feb. 2025, 13:58 Ballroom 3 with Robin Wolf & Lena BartlRoom: Hönggerberg, HXE
Very nice segway from ballroom 2, i had a lot of fun and was happy about new figures we learnt
01. Dec. 2024, 17:22 Ballroom Crash Course with Lena Bartl & Michael ZischgRoom: Hönggerberg, ASVZ Arena 3
Ein tolles Angebot, super Lehrer und Kurse, sehr empfehlenswert!
25. Nov. 2024, 14:21 Ballroom Crash Course with Michael Zischg, Lena Bartl, Daniel Sparber & Zhuolin LiuRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
This is a great course for learning the basic steps of four dances. The teachers are friendly and open, and explain the steps well. The course is well adapted for complete beginners, and a good refresher if you already know the dances a little. Even though it is 4 hours long, it is not very tiring as the course is distributed throughout the day.
25. Nov. 2024, 11:24 Ballroom Crash Course with Zhuolin Liu, Daniel Sparber, Michael Zischg & Lena BartlRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Der Crashkurs war sehr hilfreich, um uns in nur einem einzigen Tag so gut wie möglich vorzubereiten. Ich war verblüfft, wie viel wir an diesem einzigen Tag lernen konnten.
25. Nov. 2024, 11:24 Ballroom Crash Course with Zhuolin Liu, Daniel Sparber, Michael Zischg & Lena BartlRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Toller Kurs um in die 4 angebotenen Tänze einzusteigen!
03. Nov. 2024, 23:53 Ballroom 2 with Lena Bartl & Robin WolfRoom: Hönggerberg, HXE
Great course, I had lot's of fun. Many thanks to Lena and Robin!
03. Nov. 2024, 23:53 Ballroom 2 with Lena Bartl & Robin WolfRoom: Hönggerberg, HXE
10 out of 10 would recommend.
26. July 2024, 08:37 Dance Party Choreos with Karl Jäger & Thore GöbelRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
War ein lustiger Abend und mal was anderes. Gerne wieder!
24. July 2024, 12:02 Dance Party Choreos with Karl Jäger & Thore GöbelRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
Sehr hilfreicher Tanzkurs zum Erlernen von vier verschiedenen Choreografien, die erstaunlicherweise nach nur einer Tanzsession auch schon alle sitzen und für später angewendet werden können. Vielen Dank an die beiden tollen Tanzlehrer!
23. July 2024, 22:48 Dance Party Choreos with Karl Jäger & Thore GöbelRoom: ETH Zentrum, Alumni-Pavillon
The course and choreos we learnt were very fun. I‘m ready for all the parties now!
07. June 2024, 07:52 Ballroom 4 with Vitaliya Bahdanava & Thore GöbelRoom: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
Thore and Vitaliya were amazing teachers! Their classes are great fun, and they're really good at breaking down and explaining new steps they introduce in each class. So glad I signed up!
05. June 2024, 18:22 Ballroom 2 with Vitaliya Bahdanava & Thore GöbelRoom: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
Sehr cooler Kurs, ich fand die Beiden leitenden Personen sehr Kompetent und eingespielt. Sie haben einem immer weitergeholfen und haben die Schritte sehr ausführlich erklärt. Was ich ebenfalls sehr toll fand, ist, dass sie bereits etwas auf die Form und Technik eingegangen sind und nicht nur gezeigt haben in welcher Reihenfolge man die Schritte machen muss.
05. June 2024, 17:32 Ballroom 4 with Vitaliya Bahdanava & Thore GöbelRoom: ETH Zentrum, CAB, food&lab
Thore & Vitaliya are super nice teachers! Their explanations are great, they're fun and approachable. Would definitely attend one of their courses again.
09. Feb. 2024, 21:30 Ballroom 2 with Thore Göbel & Marina IvanovićRoom: UZH Irchel, Y25-H-92
Marina & Thore were the best!
14. Dec. 2023, 13:32 Ballroom 2 with Thore Göbel & Marina IvanovićRoom: UZH Irchel, Y25-H-92
Thore and Marina are great teachers! It's easy to follow their explanations; they have found a good balance between dry runs and dancing to music, all while providing just the right amount of feedback. They're also approachable and fun. I would definitely join one of their courses again.